For me, Reason has a much faster workflow than any other DAW. But that comes largely from the fact that I grew up with hardware-based studios. This means that if I want to accomplish something with more complex routing (for example), the Reason way of doing things like that is obviously very logical to me, while other DAWs use some (to me) convoluted method with routing matrixes and stuff like that, which is totally counterintuitive from a hardware routing perspective.I am surprised that you have this view of Reason getting the things done.
The most simple example is side-chaining. While you can find questions about how to do it on almost any DAW user-forum, in Reason you simply connect a virtual cable from the channel you want to sidechain, to the sidechain inputs of the compressor where you want to use it. Very visual, and very simple to explain and thus to understand.
Statistics: Posted by crimsonwarlock — Tue Dec 17, 2024 2:25 pm