I do have an Ipad.. interesting option! Might give it a go while I save money for a more worthwhile option. If latency is not too bad might be a perfect option for me rn.This fits most of your requirements.What are some of the cheaper options for MPE controllers? Ideally the controller would have : pressure, X,Y position and a way to slide between notes.
Personally I don't like the feel of the Seaboard Blocks, but there is a top bar for sliding between notes. The Linnstrument is easily the best instrument besides iPad apps for sliding between notes but they're 1K to start with.
iPad and Surface apps might be the cheapest if you have access to one.
This iPad app is fantastic in general, X Y pads, MPE keyboard etc. etc.

Statistics: Posted by HOTF — Mon Dec 16, 2024 2:15 pm