With Generic Flexi this does only work if the LED is lit with exactly the same command as the related button is using, e.g. if the button sends CC 20 with data 127 on press and 0 on release, the LED needs to be lit with CC 20 as well and turned on with data 127 and turned off with data 0.Super thanks, I'll try that for the selector instrument.
I'm Sorry if my message wasn't clear. I'm currently spending the night on bitwig.
The other thing I'm trying to do:
It's to have a Led feedback, on the green buttons of the UC4, on the selected track.
Each button is assigned to a track 1-8. But I'd like to have Led feedback on which track is selected.
The idea, would be. When a track is selected that would send back the corresponding CC message to the controller.
Not with Generic Flexi but if you use my EC4 implementation:3)
The 3rd thing I'm looking at, this time it's with the EC4. The poteniometter are assigned to the track controllers and I'd like to have the text, if possible, of what's being controlled. And that it changes when I select another track.
Is this possible?
Statistics: Posted by moss — Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:42 pm