Current is excellent. Sounds great, very easy to understand and use, a good variety of interesting wavetables and samples, the sub oscillator is a basic additive synth (which I hope they build upon) and really quite unique, the FX besides the reverb are premium quality, the arp/chord sequencer is useful, the phase distortion/oscillator warp modes are unique and inspiring, nice granular, a great little sample engine, modulation options are somewhat linited but all the essentials are there and you can swap out say envelopes for MSEGS and so on. The downsides for me would be lack of filter drive, the aforementioned reverb which is just overwhelming, and the relatively high CPU usage compared to something like Pigments or Serum, not very good randomisation options.. It's closest to Pigments in functionality but I much prefer Current...
I would say that while it is complex-ish, it's a synth that is designed to allow users to make pretty wild patches without too much difficulty. And if you're into presets, it has heaps and many are interesting although often too intense and dominant to fit easily into a mix, but the GUI is so easy to grasp that it's easy enough to tweak until happy.
Alongside Serum, Phase Plant, and Hive, it's one of my most used synths. Definitely worth a demo. Like you, I also have Pigments, Falcon, Spire, Massive X, so on and Current doesn't really break new ground. It's just incredibly fun to use and has most of the features that a modern megasynth usually has.
I would say that while it is complex-ish, it's a synth that is designed to allow users to make pretty wild patches without too much difficulty. And if you're into presets, it has heaps and many are interesting although often too intense and dominant to fit easily into a mix, but the GUI is so easy to grasp that it's easy enough to tweak until happy.
Alongside Serum, Phase Plant, and Hive, it's one of my most used synths. Definitely worth a demo. Like you, I also have Pigments, Falcon, Spire, Massive X, so on and Current doesn't really break new ground. It's just incredibly fun to use and has most of the features that a modern megasynth usually has.
Statistics: Posted by swilow11 — Wed Nov 27, 2024 10:02 am