this is not true, some countries have integrated with vat and companies have vat number they should use, even they are not in euAFAIK, VAT is only added for customers within the EU. Customers outside the EU don't have to pay VAT. If your company is outside the EU, you cannot use that VAT ID to be exempt of VAT, as the ID is not listed in the VIES: ... dex_en.htmHi all,
I have a company with an VAT ID, country is outside the EU.
When buying plugins, some sites ask for the VAT ID and remove the VAT when I enter it.
What's exactly going on here? My company is not in the EU or the US.
Should I buy like this or will I have some trouble doing this?
Edit: I'm buying this with my personal credit card though, not company's.
Statistics: Posted by roman.i — Tue Nov 26, 2024 9:59 am