My prices were not even inflation adjusted. A synth would be $9,000.00 today and take a month to learn and do basics. And it would be arguably much worse in usability than a softs synth.
Beta testing must be for people who have a lot of time on their hands. I am glad people want to do it mind you, they provide a useful free service for software developers.
And people willing to pay normal upgrade fee, like me. Oh I am so hard done by I could have bought some veg oil fried junk for lunch in a capital for $€9 in a cafe.![Rolling Eyes :roll:]()
Beta testing must be for people who have a lot of time on their hands. I am glad people want to do it mind you, they provide a useful free service for software developers.
And people willing to pay normal upgrade fee, like me. Oh I am so hard done by I could have bought some veg oil fried junk for lunch in a capital for $€9 in a cafe.

Statistics: Posted by Synthman2000 — Thu Nov 21, 2024 9:32 am