I think I found the exact way to reproduce it on Windows 11, Bitwig 5.2Please give some specific steps to reproduce this. I fiddled around with this a bit but could not create a crash.Hello Mr. Moss and thank you for sharing your creation.
On Akai Fire, bitwig crashes when changing note lengths in note edit mode with the knobs.
This happens if notes overlap after increasing their length. The notes also disappear on the software but not on the Akai fire. The crash happens only sometimes after notes disappear.
I've tried latest two versions and got the same results. I've also searched here and found one mention of it but no replies.
Any solutions for this?
Thanks again!
1. Create new project, cear all tracks, load empty drum machine.
2. Create a 1-bar clip via alt+rec.
3. Select any pad and program in 16 16th notes.
4. At this point you may want to clone this clip several times to test the bug again if the crash doesn't happen in 1st try.
5. In currently playing clip, select all 16 notes via alt+step.
6. Turn 3rd knob left, effectively shortening the duration of all notes.
7. Turn 3rd knob right, this will always cause overlapping notes to get wiped out and *sometimes* (about 50% of the time) there will be a crash. The crash *seems* to happen more frequently if the knob is turned faster to the right.
Update: also managed to reproduce the crash while not playing. (While bitwig's sequencer is completely stopped)
Statistics: Posted by brainztain — Sat Oct 05, 2024 12:58 am